If you’ve been in Missoula any length of time, you know some camps sell out almost instantly. You don't want to sleep on the opportunity to grab a spot, so we’re going to do you a favor and not write a big long intro to this blog post. Without further ado:
Read MoreWhen you tell people your baby has a clubfoot, almost everyone has a story of a friend or family member who was born with the same condition, yet few knew about what treatment, outcome and daily life would entail. Here’s a little bit about our clubfoot journey with our son Crosby.
Read MoreI recently got a new job after being outside the traditional workforce for many years. It appears they invented a whole new language while I was gone.
Read MoreWho says adventure should be limited to grade schoolers? Kids of all ages enjoy adventures, learning new things, and having fun in the sun. Here’s a list of some of our favorite Summer Camps & Activities for ages 3, 4, and 5.
Read MoreUh oh. Your child is a teenager: That tenuous age when they’re feel like they’re too old to attend many traditional camps but too young to stay home for the entire summer by themselves. You cringe when you think about what they would be if they were left to their own devices at home: Snapchat, hours of television, video games, and too many Poptarts. Never fear because a number of camps are geared toward teens, and we’ve taken the guesswork out.
Read MoreChronic fatigue is normal for special-needs parents, but that doesn’t mean it has to take over your life. Here’s some quick and easy ways to evaluate your fatigue levels, identify the most common causes of your fatigue, and put yourself on track to living healthier and happier.
Read MoreWe started 406 Families, three years ago, and we’ve weathered Covid, the Great Resignation, and school closures with you. With our Summer Camp Guide & Expo launching in a little over a month, we figured it was time for a re-introduction.
Read MoreStrong communities need strong families, and that’s why the Missoula County Parent Leadership Training Institute (PLTI) exists. Now they’re looking for families to participate.
Read MoreWe know it’s a little early to start thinking about summer, but before long tweens and teens will have lots of free time on their hands. Why not put the pieces in place for them to start a new business? If your child has an entrepreneurial spirit, this post is for them!
Read MoreCovid changed everything, not least of which the way we educate. Resident mom and teacher Kara Zentgraf outlines 10 ways to ensure your child is getting the most out of their school experience in a post-Covid world.
Read MoreI just learned Marie Kondo didn’t have kids when she wrote The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up. And well, that changes things. Kondo is a little more grounded now that she has three and says she’s “given up” on tidying.
Read MoreEver tried to dress a preschooler? Here’s what it’s like.
Read MoreThis isn’t ‘New Year, New You’ inspired. For my mental health. I do what feels right — sometimes that means I snowshoe and sometimes that means I run on a treadmill and sometimes that means I wake up before dawn to sweat with strangers.
Read MoreCovid changed everything, including parent-teacher collaboration. Here’s some ways to get back on track if you feel your relationship with a teacher is strained.
Read MoreWe can’t wait to check out these new businesses in Missoula. From ice cream to skincare and everything in between.
Read MoreMissoula Alliance Church is offering a little-known resource: car repairs free of charge to any single parent with children living at home.
Read MoreFavorite local bagel spot closes, while bakery across town plans move to bring sweet and savory treats to a larger audience.
Read MoreRegistering for summer camps in Missoula is a daunting task with much to consider. That’s why we’re hosting Summer Camp Expo!
Read MoreEvery year, we wish we could skip this step, but there’s a reason it’s called Montana’s fifth season. Smoke particles in the air are unpleasant for everyone, but can be particularly dangerous to children whose airways are still developing, the elderly, and anyone with a respiratory condition like asthma. So how do you cope with the smoke?
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