Summer Camps & Activities for Teens

Uh oh. Your child is a teenager: That tenuous age when they’re feel like they’re too old to attend many traditional camps but too young to stay home for the entire summer by themselves. You cringe when you think about what they would be if they were left to their own devices at home: Snapchat, hours of television, video games, and too many Poptarts. Never fear because a number of camps are geared toward teens, and we’ve taken the guesswork out.

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The Life Changing Magic of Accepting that Life with Kids is Different

I just learned Marie Kondo didn’t have kids when she wrote The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up. And well, that changes things. Kondo is a little more grounded now that she has three and says she’s “given up” on tidying.

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Surviving Wildfire Season

Every year, we wish we could skip this step, but there’s a reason it’s called Montana’s fifth season. Smoke particles in the air are unpleasant for everyone, but can be particularly dangerous to children whose airways are still developing, the elderly, and anyone with a respiratory condition like asthma. So how do you cope with the smoke?

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