If you’ve done the camp registration hustle, you know that many of the popular camps fill up quickly. Some within minutes of registration opening. We’ve put together our tips for getting into your top camps plus some important registration dates you won’t want to miss.
Read MoreWant to be involved in foster care but unable to be a foster parent? Aside from the many ways to get involved at the community level, there are also countless ways to support foster families. If you have friends or family members who are foster parenting (or if you want to get to know some local foster families), here are some great ways to offer support.
Read MoreIf fair food is one of your favorite parts of the Western Montana Fair, then you’ll be excited to see some of the regulars from years past that will be returning!
Read MoreSplash Montana’s new protocol helps you feel like you have the whole place to yourself, but it does take some planning. Here’s our tips for getting in.
Read MoreTarget backpedaled their support of the LGBTQ+ community after backlash. So now seems like a REALLY good time to tell you about some of our favorite local queer-owned businesses and stores.
Read MoreThis Mother’s Day, the best gift you can give a momma is to do the thinking for her.
Read MoreMissoula Gives took their city-wide fundraising event one step further, allowing nonprofits to submit 30-second videos to showcase what they do. We loved viewing the 25 videos submitted, learning more about some of our favorite nonprofits and being introduced to new ones.
Read MoreStill searching for an Egg Hunt? We’ve found some—now you just need to grab your baskets and go!
Read MoreWhen you tell people your baby has a clubfoot, almost everyone has a story of a friend or family member who was born with the same condition, yet few knew about what treatment, outcome and daily life would entail. Here’s a little bit about our clubfoot journey with our son Crosby.
Read MoreCovid changed everything, not least of which the way we educate. Resident mom and teacher Kara Zentgraf outlines 10 ways to ensure your child is getting the most out of their school experience in a post-Covid world.
Read MoreEver tried to dress a preschooler? Here’s what it’s like.
Read MoreThis isn’t ‘New Year, New You’ inspired. For my mental health. I do what feels right — sometimes that means I snowshoe and sometimes that means I run on a treadmill and sometimes that means I wake up before dawn to sweat with strangers.
Read MoreWe can’t wait to check out these new businesses in Missoula. From ice cream to skincare and everything in between.
Read MoreThe federal waiver for free lunches in schools across the country expired. Here’s some ways to access free lunches and other resources if your child needs them.
Read MoreMissoula Public Library was named Public Library of the Year, an international award. Read six things we love about the library and then go discover it for yourself.
Read MoreSummer is short, so make it count with this list of some of our favorite trips, activities to do with kids and events. Whether you are new to the area, or a lifelong local, don’t miss some of the best parts of raising a family in this neck of the woods.
Read MoreTen reasons why arming educators is an unreasonable suggestion.
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