Summer Camp Registration Tips & Tricks

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If you’ve done the camp registration hustle, you know that many of the popular camps fill up quickly. Some within minutes of registration opening. We’ve put together our tips for getting into your top camps plus some important registration dates you won’t want to miss.

Make a Plan:

Do you need camps for specific weeks? Is there a certain activity that your child would love? If you are piecing together summer camps across multiple organizations, use our Summer Camp Guide and plan to attend our Summer Camp Expo on March 8th from 10am to 2pm. at the Missoula Public Library to plan your summer and figure out where you need to register and when.

Mark Your Calendar:

If you are eyeing a camp for a specific date or activity, the best way to ensure your spot is to register the day that it opens. Set a calendar reminder on your phone and set aside 15-20 minutes so you can complete the registration. Some popular camps (looking at you ZTD biking) can fill up within hours or even minutes of registration opening.

Become a Member:

Many places offer perks to members when it comes to registering. Members at places such as Mismo, and SpectrUM offer discounts to members. Some even offer priority or early registration. Signing up for a $2 Resident Discount Card with Missoula Parks & Rec will not only get you a reduced price for summer camps, you also get a discount on visits to Currents, Splash Montana, and their other after school programs.

Create an Account:

Many organizations use an online portal for camp registration. If you can, create an account now, before registration opens. This way, all you have to do is login and add your selected camps to your cart and minimize your chance of getting waitlisted. You can even create a “wishlist” in some registration portals that way the camps are already in your cart and ready for check out!

Speaking of Waitlisted:

Do not be afraid of the waitlist. So much changes between now and June and the camp rosters are no exception. Many organizations will even open up second offerings of camps or create an additional camp if there is enough people on the waitlist.

Still on the search for camps? Our guide now has more than 70 different organizations and details about their summer camps! Check it out here.