Confessions of a Stay-at-Home-Mom Turned Working Mom During a Pandemic:
Photo Courtesy of Unsplash
406 Families contributor Meghan Higle returned to the workforce recently, and it’s going as smoothly as can be expected re-entering the workforce in a pandemic, with a toddler, during a labor shortage. Read one account of her journey getting out of the door on time here.
Keys. Where are the keys? Counter? No. Bedroom? No. Entryway shelf? No. Purse? No. Coat pocket? YES!
What time is it??
Okay, E. Socks and shoes, socks and shoes, please. Pick a sweater. Oh, you don’t like that one anymore, got it. Pick another one. You want a hat? Sure, okay. Grab one. Do I need a hat? Umm not really, no. Oh okay, sure, mommy will take a hat, thanks honey.
Did I pack her extra clothes and her rain boots?
Alright. Lunch, phone, coffee, planner, folder; I think we’re good.
E wants to buckle herself.
She forgot her blanket and a “friend” for the car ride.
Time?? Where’s my phone? Ugh.
Okay, in the car. We made it.
*E sneezes* NO! She better not be getting sick. Just make it through the week, please make it through the week!
Should I have packed her a mask? She probably won’t wear it anyway.
CURSE WORD- I forgot my work keys. Oh well. Someone will have to let me in.
E, “I want gummy bear song!” *cringe* Ummmm, how about Elsa instead?
*Phone dings* text from coworker about things to do today.
Did I feed the cat?
*Phone dings* Group text from boss about important thing for today.
Where’s my coffee?
I should probably drink some water first. Can’t reach it. Oh well.
What time is it? Only running 10 minutes late. Not too bad. Hopefully traffic moves fast.
E, “more Elsa!”
I already don’t want to think about what’s for dinner tonight.
School zone. Lots of kids crossing. Great. 15 minutes late.
We made it to E’s school, whew.
Darn, it was pajama day, oops. E’s 2 she won’t know.
E’s teacher, oh she’s out of her milk by the way! “Yep, got it!”
Run back to the car. Other parents stop to chat.
*phone dings* Dentist appointment confirmation, can I even make that this week? Ugh.
I hope E is okay.
*phone dings* My mom, are you coming over this weekend?
Almost to work. Time??
20 minutes late, not too bad.
Hope I can find a parking spot.
Okay, phone, keys, mask, lunch, coffee, bag, I’m ready.
Oh yeah, no keys today.