2022 Summer Camps Demonstrate Hope to a Post Covid Missoula

If there’s one time of year we get the most excited about, it’s the release of our annual Summer Camp Guide.

Why? Because we’re parents just like you, cobbling together our kids’ adventures week by week with spreadsheets and calendars. We know better than anyone that choosing how kids will spend their time amid family reunions and long-waited vacations is complicated. We wanted to make it as simple as possible, all while giving camps the chance to highlight what they do best.

This year’s camp guide is stuffed to the gills with opportunities for kids to explore the great outdoors, enhance their art/performance skills, or grow their science technology knowledge. In our efforts to reach out to various clubs, organizations, and entities hosting camps this year, we’ve noticed a general eagerness among hosts this year. We assume that’s because camp organizers are like us — delighted to return to some semblance of normalcy after two years of mask wearing and social distancing and cancelled plans.

We wanted to take a moment to shout out our sponsors and supporters. Putting together a guide like this is a huge endeavor. There are nearly 50 camps featured between the pages of this guide. We have spent hours and hours putting this guide together from conceptualization to design to organization to write-ups (ask us about the 3 a.m. email we got from Charity one morning!) We are grateful to those who gave monetarily to this effort so we could dedicate time and energy to getting this information out there.

Without further ado, here’s the guide.