Helmet Safety: Berrett's Story

We are heading into summer in Montana which means outdoor recreation activities are in full swing. Biking, roller blading, skateboarding, I’ve even seen scooters are making a huge comeback. Not to say that winter is lacking in outdoor recreation, but summer seems to be a time when the streets are frequented with kids on wheels from dawn til dusk. 

It can be hard for us to really grasp the importance of kids wearing helmets until it affects us personally. My hope is that once you read this Mother’s story about her son Berrett’s tragedy turned legacy, you too will be impacted by the tugging of your heart strings and will pledge to never let your children go without helmets again. 

Larae Crossley and I grew up in the same small town in Montana. She may live in Washington now, but she’ll always be a Montana native which is why I hope to share her son’s story in every corner of Montana that I can. 

Credit: https://www.wearitforberrett.org/

Credit: https://www.wearitforberrett.org/

“Berrett was an adventurous and witty 13-year-old boy with enormous dreams. One of his dreams was to become a professional skateboarder. He spent every day he could at the skatepark, often until dark.  He even created his own skate brand, Space Kadet Skateboards. He was incredibly entrepreneurial and determined. 

May 2, 2021 was another typical day at the skatepark for Berrett until he wrecked and hit his head. Berrett was not wearing his helmet. Berrett was thought to have suffered a concussion and needed to take it easy for a few days. On the morning of May 4th Berrett did not wake up. He was rushed to Mary Bridge Children’s Hospital where he underwent emergency brain surgery. Berrett had suffered a subdermal hematoma (bleeding on the brain). This type of brain injury does not show any signs. On May 6th, this injury claimed Berrett’s young life. 

The massive void left in the hearts and souls of his family fueled a mission. A mission to fight to provide education to every person, every child about the importance of wearing a helmet. Wear It For Berrett was formed as a passionate vow to try with everything we have to ensure no family suffers such a tragedy. 

Wear It For Berrett has a clear mission: to provide education to all generations regarding the importance of wearing a helmet and provide helmets to individuals and communities where cost is prohibitive. We strive to help ensure the safety of families one helmet at a time.

Wear it For Berrett, still in its infancy, has provided over 100 helmets to individuals and programs so far. We have held large educational rallies, staged pop-up events and sold or gave away hundreds of items bearing the important message WEAR IT FOR BERRETT featuring a helmet logo. Our social media is littered with reminders to children and parents to wear helmets, to require helmets be worn. We have sat in on city council meetings, park and rec meetings and told our story, Berrett’s story with each breath. There is a new billboard in Powell County with Berrett’s picture and logo reminding everyone to wear a helmet and where to get a free one if they don’t have one. For Wear It For Berrett, this is only the beginning. We will continue to work tirelessly to educate the public, to change the stigma of helmets, to help protect our children and communities. We do this for Berrett and we do this for you!”

Visit www.wearitforberrett.org to learn more about Berrett’s story.

Here in Missoula, families can make an appointment to receive children’s helmets at a reduced price at St Patrick’s hospital through the Trauma Center. I was able to purchase three great helmets for my children for only $27. 

It’s common for children to dislike wearing helmets for reasons such as being uncomfortable, having friends that don’t have to wear helmets, or even thinking that helmets “aren’t cool”. It’s up to us to set a firm boundary with our kids in order to enforce safety practices when it comes to outdoor sports. Be a role model for your children and always wear your helmet. Find an episode of their favorite TV show where the characters wear and discuss helmet safety. Share Berrett’s story with older children and ask them to take a vow for Berrett to wear their helmets and keep themselves and others safe. Teach them about being an example for children that don’t wear helmets. 

My daughter loves Sesame Street and Peppa Pig. I found a Sesame Street song and a Peppa Pig episode where the characters are riding with helmets. Talk to your child about what a helmet is for and get them excited about wearing them.