The Pump and Dump Show at the Wilma
The Pump and Dump Show live at the Wilma
Friday, March 27, 2020
Tickets and more info: https://bit.ly/2RH84qj
The Pump and Dump Show live at the Wilma
Friday, March 27, 2020
Tickets and more info: https://bit.ly/2RH84qj
Bring your kids to EmPower to learn about music through wind instruments! We'll have several instruments to show, and your child can even make their own pan flute out of straws. As always, admission and snacks are free!
We are also looking forward to welcoming the Missoula Butterfly House and Insectarium three times in March. They'll be bringing their Bug-mo-bile to allow our guests at the carousel to have a free hands-on bug encounter in our party area
Sing songs, learn fingerplays and nursery rhymes, and hear stories with your kids aged 0 to 36 months!
Tiny Tales is led by a librarian in our upstairs conference room, so enter through the EmPower Place and ask one of our staff for directions if needed. Then come back down when Tiny Tales is over for a snack and some fun!
Bring the kids for dinner and dancing with longtime Missoula band Pinegrass.
Asanas for Autism and Special Needs – Yoga for Children with Special Needs Level 1 - 25 hour Yoga Alliance Registered course offers fun, hands-on and effective strategies for teaching yoga to children of diverse abilities. Participants will learn tools to support children ages 5-17 with self-regulation, body awareness, social skills, expression of difficult emotions, language and communication and so much more! Learn strategies, supports and modifications to teach yoga to children with ADD, ADHD, Autism, Down Syndrome, Prader-Willi, Williams Syndrome, Cerebral Palsy, sensory integration difficulties, language processing difficulties, developmental delays, limited mobility, anxiety, behavioral challenges and more!
Dates: March 20-22, 2020
Location: Red Willow Center for Health & Healing
Friday March 20th 9:00-5:30 pm
Saturday March 21st 9:00-5:30 pm
Sunday March 22nd 9:00-5:00 pm
Cost: $695 - includes registrations costs, manual and materials necessary for training.
Early Bird Registration: $600 if application and fee is submitted by February 10th, 2020
Great For...
Yoga Teachers
Pediatric Physical Therapists
Occupational Therapists
Speech Therapists
Behavior Specialists
School Councelors
Pediatric or School Nurses
Mental Health Practitioners
A.P.E./P.E. Teachers
Anyone who is passionate about sharing the benefits of yoga with children of all abilities.
Participants Receive
Playful and Passionate Connection with like-minded community
Comprehensive Manual, Resource List, Book – Asanas for Autism and Special Needs – Yoga to Help Children with Their Emotions, Self-regulation and Body Awareness & Certificate of Completion.
25-hours packed full of Learning, Yoga Lesson Plans, Games, Songs, Stories & Activities.
Anatomy & Physiology, Precautions and Contraindications related to children with special needs.
Creative, Fun and Safe suggestions for Asanas (physical poses), Pranayama (breathing strategies) and relaxation and mindfulness activities.
Suggestions for Props, Modifications, Adaptations, Tools and Supports to meet the needs of diverse cognitive and physical abilities
Chair Yoga for “yoga breaks” and for children with limited mobility
Positive Behavior Strategies
Poses and breathing strategies to support self-regulation, sensory-processing and expressing/releasing difficult emotions
Suggestions for how to structure classes and lesson plans for groups with diverse needs.
Trauma Sensitive Approach
Bring your little ones to EmPower to teach them age-appropriate ways of preparing food! We'll have simple snacks to prepare and cooking utensils to practice with. As always, snacks and admission are free!
Calling all 6th-12th graders! Student Nights EVERY Thursday Night!
Join us at Fresh Life - Missoula @ 3535 W. Broadway from 7 - 8:30 PM and get ready to have some fun!
Bring a friend! We can't wait to see you there!
Come experience playful, hands-on science activities with your child and learn together! spectrUM Discovery Area educators guide science activities every Tuesday at EmPower from 10:30am–1pm. As always, snacks and admission are free!
Come to the EmPower Place to celebrate all things green, rainbow, and leprechaun! Bring you kids for this arts and crafts activity and take home their creations. And don't forget to grab a free snack while you're here!
Sing songs, learn fingerplays and nursery rhymes, and hear stories with your kids aged 0 to 36 months!
Tiny Tales is led by a librarian in our upstairs conference room, so enter through the EmPower Place and ask one of our staff for directions if needed. Then come back down when Tiny Tales is over for a snack and some fun!
We are also looking forward to welcoming the Missoula Butterfly House and Insectarium three times in March. They'll be bringing their Bug-mo-bile to allow our guests at the carousel to have a free hands-on bug encounter in our party area
Join us for free rides, sponsored by the Ancient Order of Hibernians.
oin us on Higgins for the 40th annual St. Patrick's Day parade!
Other activities:
8:00 a.m. St. Patrick's Day Mass at St. Francis Xavier Church
2:00 p.m. Hurling Tournament
2:00 p.m. Irish Whiskey Tasting at The Rhino
2:00 - 4:00 p.m. free rides at A Carousel for Missoula
6:00 - 9:30 p.m. Banquet and Auction at Holiday Inn Downtown
We are learning about fire! Come to the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation Visitor Center and learn about fire, use LaserShot, play games, learn hunting safety and explore our visitor center! The free event is from 11 am to 1 pm
Kids Fair is a fun, interactive and famlly-friendly event held on Saturday, Mar 14th at Southgate Mall. There will be live demonstrations, games, prizes, educational exhibitis and more. Admission is free to this one-day event from 10am - 5pm.
Grab your best green and gold, and come Run for the Luck of It! 7 Mile and 5K options, plus a kid's dash!
Stick around for the post-race block party: enjoy food and drink to celebrate St. Patrick's Day!
All paid participants receive chip timing, a custom designed BOCO Run Hat, post-race shenanigans, and more! BOCO Run Hat guaranteed to pre-registered 7-Mile and 5K participants - must register by 12:00 PM on Thursday, March 12th.
Visit our website for more information: https://www.runwildmissoula.org/runwild/index.php/ID/5c1c1c38/race/run-for-the-luck-of-it/fuseaction/rwm.clubRaces.htm
Thanks to our 2020 Sponsors: Clearwater Credit Union and Edward Jones
Bring your little ones to EmPower to introduce them to the idea of careers! We'll have costumes out for dress up, as well as coloring pages featuring different kinds of professionals. As always, snacks and admission are free!
Calling all 6th-12th graders! Student Nights EVERY Thursday Night!
Join us at Fresh Life - Missoula @ 3535 W. Broadway from 7 - 8:30 PM and get ready to have some fun!
Bring a friend! We can't wait to see you there!
Restoring Our Relationships is a winter family series open to families and children of all ages. We will help you connect with your family and yourself through a series of traditional and contemporary activities, including cutting dry meat, scraping tipi poles, making berry patties, and more! MUIHC staff will utilize Mending Broken hearts, STAR, and diabetes curriculum to guide you through the self-connectedness themes of the course. Client support is provided throughout the programming.
Dinner is provided; you are encouraged to bring a healthy side dish. Childcare for young children (7 and younger) is provided. Programming activities are open to all children 1st through 12th grade.
Please contact Lida at lrunningcrane@muihc.org for more details.
Do you want to learn more about 3d printing? Maybe build a robot and see how it holds up in a robot battle? Did you know that you can make string and rope using materials you can find in your backyard? Are you a Harry Potter fan in need of a new wand? Would you like to write, edit and shoot a movie in 2 hours? Join us on Thursday, March 12 as we offer free classes for kids (ages 6-18) and opportunities for adults to learn more about our summer camps, after school programs, homeschooling resources and our independent school for grades 6-12. Please use the registration link to sign up for classes - space is limited. If you do not register, you are welcome to come for a tour and attend any classes that are still open, but it will help us with planning if you let us know that you are coming! Register here: https://my.learningwithmeaning.org/community-classes-and-open-house/
Are you a student interested in solar electricity?
Come learn all about the science of solar, the industry in Montana and career paths.
This FREE workshop for children, teens (and their parents!) will be facilitated by Orion Thornton, owner of Onsite Energy, and hosted by Families for a Livable Climate.
Presentation, hands-on activities, small groups sessions, and Q&A!
RSVPs appreciated via this event or an email to livableclimate@gmail.com.
Come experience playful, hands-on science activities with your child and learn together! spectrUM Discovery Area educators guide science activities after school every Thursday at EmPower. As always, snacks and admission are free!
We are also looking forward to welcoming the Missoula Butterfly House and Insectarium three times in March. They'll be bringing their Bug-mo-bile to allow our guests at the carousel to have a free hands-on bug encounter in our party area
Walking to 5 years old
Monday through Saturday
11am -12pm
Cost: $10 per child/ $15 for Siblings
Preschool Playgroup is a favorite for kids and parents alike. For playgroup, our gym becomes your playground. We set up fun stations and activities throughout the gym. Parents and children choose the activities that interest them most, including obstacle courses, pit games, trampoline time, swinging, sliding, climbing, and playing on an inflatable. Every time you come it's a new fitness adventure.
A super fun way for parents and little ones to play and have fun in the warmth of Mismo.
Come gather at Imagination Brewing for a night where we will all be students of a First Grade! To offer an experiential meeting for those who are curious about what a Waldorf First Grade feels like, we will begin with an artistic circle of games and rhymes, move on to a story which is the vehicle of all curriculum in a Waldorf School, and complete with beeswax drawings typical for a First Grade Main Lesson Book. Discussion to follow. This event is for those considering embarking upon the Grades in the Greenleaf School, and for those who want to embrace their inner child and revisit First Grade. Childcare will be available at The Greenleaf School during the event offering free play, dinner and a bonfire. Please RSVP at TheGreenleafSchool@gmail.com - all are welcome, but space is limited!
KidX is where kids get to come together with FREE activities that inspire them to explore their world. With KidX, “X” marks the spot for members to have fun, playful and educational experiences. Not a member of KidX? Join us at the next KidX activity and sign up.
Join us at the EmPower Place to get your garden started! We'll have free seeds (courtesy of Garden City Harvest) and everything you and your kids need to get your seeds started indoors. As always, snacks and admission are free!
Bring your kids to see the Families First Learning Lab (formerly the Families First Children's Museum) at the EmPower Place for some wholesome, family-oriented fun!