Watershed Education Opportunity Aimed at High Schoolers This Summer
Image Courtesy of Unsplash.
Sometimes we can’t even believe the opportunities Montana kids have to get out and spend time in nature. For example, check out this message that hit our inbox: The Watershed Education Network is on the look out for six high-school students to take part in their Backcountry Stream Corps program during the last week of July and the first week of August.
Participants get to bike and hike in Grant Creek and Rattlesnake Creek in Missoula surveying in-stream wood, recreation pressure, and beaver habitat characteristics over the course of two weeks, including 8 days of field sampling.
Throughout the experience crew members will gain hands-on stream sampling field experience as well as training in GPS use and leave no trace principles. This position also comes with a $200 stipend for participants after completing the two weeks, and all lunches and snacks are provided by local businesses.
The crew meets each morning at the trailhead to hear from a guest speaker and prepare for the field day before biking up to the beginning of that day's length of stream. They’ll break for lunch and snacks throughout the day before returning to the bikes and biking back to the trailhead.
Visit www.montanawatershed.org through June 11th to apply. It is also available at this link. https://forms.gle/VjYiod42aw3oSuei9
Got questions? Email stephienovak@gmail.com .