That's a Wrap! Missoula Summer Camps Wrap-Up


Sports camps were already one of the YMCA’s specialties, but this year camp directors found themselves fielding curve balls with the ever-changing demands of living in a COVID-19 world.

Kat Franchino, Director of Marketing for The Missoula Family YMCA, said the Y’s flexible and safety-driven approach has helped it adapt to the ever-changing season we are in.

”The Y already practices strong safety measures, including good hygiene and sanitation, so this summer has been a continuation of what we already do — caring for our community in safe, welcoming ways,” she said.

She credited the camp counselors with setting good examples for mask wearing and making camp fun. With only one week of summer left, Franchino said registration is still open for camp, and invited parents to visit YMCAMissoulalorg/camps to register. If the camp you want to register for is full, she encouraged parents to join a waiting list.


She said this summer, the YMCA had to reduce camp sizes in light of COVID-19 and the concern about safely offering care for children. In the spring, the YMCA quickly adjusted their plans so they would be able to continue to care for children of essential employees who had to work during the shutdown.

Franchino said the feedback they’ve gotten from families has been positive and full of gratitude. “One of our families summed it up pretty succinctly: ‘I don't know what we would do if we did not have the Y to turn to for summer camp and emergency child care.’”

”YMCA Summer Camp meant adults were able to work and provide for their families, and that children were able to safely socialize. We are also especially proud of our efforts this year around summer learning-loss prevention.”

In the fall, the YMCA will offer out-of-school and after school options for MCPS grade school students in addition to full-day remote learning options. Those details are coming soon. Enrollment is open for after school care at select MCPS locations and Hellgate Elementary School. Visit or call 721-9622 to enroll.

406 Families publishes a Summer Camp Guide to help parents make the most of their kids’ summer. Visit our 2020 guide here. Summer camps in Missoula are competitive. If you wait to long, you might not get a spot. Visit our Tip sand Tricks for Registering here. To see Spring Break Camps click here.
